About us

Our team consists of a diverse collective of software developers, sports scientists and support engineers who together are at the forefront of motion analysis.

Meet the Team

Discover the Faces behind CONTEMPLAS

Stefan Klippel

Managing Director

Thomas Seeholzer

Managing Director, R&D

Christoph Trautner

Chief Operating Officer

Benjamin Homilius

Product Manager

Franca Pulfer

Product Specialist | Sales

Yannik Schopp

Product Specialist | Sales

Ulirke Hofmann

Finance and Process Manager

Katrin Becker

Order Process Manager

David Heckel

Senior Support Engineer

Felix Huber

Support Engineer

Julian Kiefer

Support Engineer & Sales

Christina Geisler

Marketing Manager

Caroline Wyklicky

Online Marketing Manager

Stefan Helas

Senior Software Architect, R&D

Daniel Kleiner

Senior Software Architect, R&D

Be Part Of Our Success. Join Today.


Over 19 years of experience in motion analysis lead to extensive know-how in hardware technology. Our experts create the perfect setup based on the customer’s requests.


Our sales partners are working for you worldwide.

More than 4,000 licences are used by our customers worldwide. 

Full Stack

TEMPLO® Software is developed in-house.
Individual solutions and maximum flexibility make it possible to react quickly on customers‘ requests.